Login as root.
Check IP address:
$ ip r
make install.sh files:
$ vi install.sh
copy paste following code:
wget https://download.mikrotik.com/routeros/6.49.2/chr-6.49.2.img.zip -O chr.img.zip && \
gunzip -c chr.img.zip > chr.img && \
mount -o loop,offset=512 chr.img /mnt && \
ADDRESS=`ip addr show eth1 | grep global | cut -d' ' -f 6 | head -n 1` && \
GATEWAY=`ip route list | grep default | cut -d' ' -f 3` && \
echo "/ip address add address=$ADDRESS interface=[/interface ethernet find where name=ether1]
/ip route add gateway=$GATEWAY
/ip dns set servers=," > /mnt/rw/autorun.scr && \
umount /mnt && \
echo u > /proc/sysrq-trigger && \
dd if=chr.img bs=1024 of=/dev/vda && \
echo "sync disk" && \
echo s > /proc/sysrq-trigger && \
echo "Sleep 6 seconds" && \
sleep 6 && \
echo "Ok, reboot" && \
echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
choose your chr version you want to download. change eth1 with your interface. Change /dev/vda with your diskname.
check diskname:
$ lsblk
check interface name:
$ ip a
save install.sh file. then make it executable and run it.
$ chmod +x install.sh
$ /install.sh
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