Memcached di Ubuntu20.04 + Apache + Mysql + WordPress

Alkisah pengen mempercepat akses ke webserver yang make Ubuntu20.04+apache+mysql+WP.Clingak clinguk akhirnya coba pake yang paling praktis. Memcached.Oh iyah kalo mau pake memcached, diusahakan memorynya cukup lega yah agar gak ngaruhi maincore systemnya. Let’s start: Udah beres kepasang, tinggal aktifin deh Config file terdapat di /etc/memcached.confadapun default value adalah listening ip at localhost, default port…


Add a tiktok social media icon to the Beaver Builder Theme

To do this, edit the functions.php file in your theme and paste in the below php code: Now, when you go to your WordPress Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Settings > Social Links there will be a new field to add your URL for this new social media channel, as per below, where you can now see a field…


Simple loan simulation on WordPress

Insert following code on function.php on your theme. This is flat loan simulation with following formula: a = loan principalb = interest per tahunc = time in yeard = downpayment so, installment per month = (a-d) / cinterest per month = (a-d) x b / 12Total  installament per month = (a-d) x b / 12…
