Server on install: Ubuntu 20.04, HDD 20GB, 1Gbps, with apache2, php installed. Download install script & install For managing daemon: Installing http legacy fallback: unzip on your speedtest folder so you can access it when you open: Then check your installation on: If thereis no error , register account on Ookla and submit your speedtest
Running v7 whmcs. Installing freeradius whmcs module from For using hotspot with time limit from first login, enable sqlcounter mod on free radius add code in authorize section on sites-available default file: For hotspot login: on whmcs, login, add product, select module freeradius, add radiusgroup, ex.hs-1d (hotspot 1day active). Goto freeradius database > radgroupcheck table,
Based on Ubuntu 20.04 box with virtualmin installed, apache, php7.4 Install Freeradius Create FR database schema Set FR to using MySQL Open “default” config using text editor Add sql on every category Edit radius sql module’s config Modif following Fill nas table from freeradius database with shortname (refer to ip address), shortname (server identify, ex.